Me? A Puddle Jumping, Rainbow Chasing Son Worshipper!

What do you see in this picture? If you were sitting on the seawall, would you be running for your car?

I see the power of God displayed across the sky. The wind was blowing and the rain was just starting to pour down. The smell of fresh summer rain was everywhere and all around this downpouring, wind driving black cloud was clear blue sky. I know all this because I didn’t run for my car. I got out of my car and stood with my face in the wind, breathing in the power all around me.

I’m sure the people in the cars around me thought I was more than a little nuts. But what does that matter? I have my own way of giving glory to God, just like we all do. When I give Him glory from the depths of my soul, that joy deep in my soul is undeniable. That joy is there to glorify my Creator. For me, I never feel closer to God than when I am outside experiencing His creation as if it is all new. I notice this newness most often at the beach where the wind and waves change the face of the sand by the hour.

On a calm, sunny day, I can hear the gentle lapping of the waves whispering to me with love. The warmth of the sun on my face draws my face heavenward to soak in the gentle caress of the light breezes. Somedays I can walk for hours and on others I am called to find a quiet spot to soak in the love of my Father, Abba, Daddy. And it’s good to just be Daddy’s Little Girl.

On a stormy day, I love to climb out on the rock jetties and stand with my face in the wind. The power of the waves crashing around my feet, spraying me with a cool, salty mist that is both energizing and awe-inspiring. The greater glory of God is all around me and I can’t soak up enough of it. To think that this same powerful God dwells inside of me is both humbling and empowering. Together with my God, there is nothing I cannot do!

I can’t always be at the beach, but look for me outside after the rain. I’ll be the one barefoot, splashing in the puddles laughing with pure joy and looking skyward, searching for a rainbow. God created puddles and barefeet. Man separated the two with shoes. How often we separate ourselves from the simple beauty of the creation all around us!

If the Bible is God’s love letter to us, Creation all around us is His gift to us. Look around you – hear the birds, feel the softness of the grass under your feet, smell the flowers, enjoy the cool breeze, the warmth of the sun, the refreshing rain. Remember this, God doesn’t need to create any of these, anymore than He needed to create us. He created us to shower us with love and He has surrounded us with beauty to remind us of that love everyday.

Notice the H and the arrow sign point up the rainbow to heaven and smile because God truly loves you!

One thought on “Me? A Puddle Jumping, Rainbow Chasing Son Worshipper!

  1. Hi Christine! I wanted to say hello and tell you that this post of yours resonates with me, on this lovely morning, the birds singing, waiting for the rest of the house to awake. I am glad you decided to start a blog—I feel it will be one of goodness and light, and will be sure to mark it so as to come back again. Have a great day and God Bless You!


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